Terramatta; Il Novecento italiano di Vincenzo Rabito analfabeta siciliano

Terramatta; El siglo veinte de Vincenzo Rabito, un siciliano analfabeto // Terramatta; The twentieth century of Vincenzo Rabito, an illiterate Sicilian

Italia, 2012
74 min. Documentary

Costanza Quatriglio

Archivo General de la Nación: 08/08, 20:00hs
Alianza Francesa: 09/08, 18:00hs



Vincenzo Rabito, an illiterate Sicilian farm worker of low rank, portrays his life from 1899 to 1981. These years, recorded in his diary, are the protagonists of the documentary. From extreme poverty and global conflict to the economic boom ―the misfortune and redemption. Vincenzo’s voice and his thrilling autobiography are juxtaposed with distant and current pictures. It is 20th century Italian history seen from a very special point of view.