Yellow Fever

Fiebre Amarilla // Yellow Fever

Kenia, 2012
6:47 min. Animation

Ng´endo Mukii

Centro Cultural San Martín: 08/08, 16:00hs
Gaumont: 09/08, 20:00hs
Centro Cultural Haroldo Conti: 10/08, 21:00hs
Biblioteca del Congreso: 13/08, 16:00hs



I am interested in the concept of skin and race, and what they imply; in the ideas and theories sown into our flesh that change with the arc of time. The idea of beauty has become globalized, creating homogeneous aspirations, and distorting people?s self-image across the planet. In my film, I focus on African women´s self-image, through memories and interviews; using mixed media to describe this almost schizophrenic self-visualization that I and many others have grown up with.