Documental 9.70

Documental 9.70 // 9.70 documentary

Colombia, 2013
50 min. SoberanĂ­a Alimentaria

Victoria Solano

Alianza Francesa: 24/07, 19:00hs
Gaumont Espacio Incaa KM 0: 26/07, 18:00hs
BAMA Cine Arte: 30/07, 20:00hs



Resolution 9.70 was issued in the year 2010 to regulate the use of seeds in Colombia. This resolution applies the concepts of intellectual property to seeds and was promulgated as a requirement for the approval of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Colombia and The United States. This documentary analyses the impacts of the resolution taking the situation in Campoalegre, a town in the south of Colombia where the resolution was applied with violent consequences, as an example.